
Flooring Installation Considerations

Date: 2015-11-12   Hits: 1433
Keywords: flooring Installation, flooring manufacturers

1, The cable, telephone lines, cable layout is good.

2, If the wall of the heating ducts too big too deep, preferably filled with dry sand. Do not sealed with cement!

3, If the mounting surface following a pipeline installation must inform the master, to avoid accidents!

4, Sprinkle good floor drugs, at the entrance to the corner and more spill.

5, Paved moisture-proof pad, if it is geothermal ground, must geothermal dedicated floor mats.

6, Before installing the best to open the box, check the floor surface there are no missing corners (this is rare, but also prevention).

7, The installation kicking moldings, preferably equipped with yin and yang angle, because of the use of yin and yang corner kick moldings joints will be strong.

8, Flooring and kitchen tiles connection preferably with copper strips or stainless steel strip, do not use ordinary plastic strips.

9, Foreshadowing Po - a good mix of laminate flooring, flooring installation, in general, suspension installation (not connected with the ground floor, laid directly into the ground), so often inferior keel law Jiaogan installed floor, in addition, if there is pipelines need to go from the ground, but the ground they can not be slotted more trouble, in fact, we can choose something called "foreshadowing treasure" of the product, which is similar to what a hard plastic foam, a certain thickness, the laying of floor time, You can put foreshadowing treasure laid directly into the ground, then floors above the bedding treasure, so laying flooring foot feeling a lot better, but can also go in the foreshadowing Po line, the more convenient.


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